
Additional Benefits

Add more benefits to your plan to protect you from more unexpected events


Disability Benefits

Disability hampers the ability to earn an income, affecting your capability to pay for insurance premiums. Choose this disability rider to address your Protection and Savings needs.

If the Insured becomes totally and permanently disabled prior to expiry date of the rider, payment of regular premiums on the policy will be waived, including premiums of any benefit riders, which will fall due during the continuance of the disability or until the expiration of the term of this rider, whichever is earlier.

Available for the following products:

Accident Benefits

No matter how careful we are, accidents can hit anyone. Protect yourself from the debilitating impact of accidents by attaching accident riders to your insurance policy. Choose from two accident riders available to address your Protection, Savings, and Investment needs.

The rider provides additional benefit in case of accidental death equal to the rider Sum Insured.

Available for the following products:

The rider pays additional benefit covering not only death but also certain specified injuries which the insured may suffer because of an accident. Broken bones, impairment, loss of use, etc. are some of the types of injuries someone may sustain from an accident.

Available for this product:

Health Benefits

Health is wealth. Truly, when someone's health deteriorates, the expenses that come with the treatment, management or even the provision of temporary relief could be financially burdensome. Choose this health rider to address your Health Protection and Savings needs.

The rider provides additional benefit equivalent to the rider Sum Insured to be paid upon the occurrence of the first contracted covered critical illnesses. There will be an accelerated benefit equal to 10% of the rider Sum Insured on Angioplasty and other invasive treatments for coronary artery disease.

Available for the following products:

Provides a lumpsum amount when the insured is diagnosed with any of the covered dread diseases. This frees the insured from worrying about the medical and treatment costs associated with his condition, thereby allowing him to focus on his recovery.

Provides daily hospitalization allowance if the insured is hospitalized as a result of injury or sickness.

This rider provides lump sum cash benefit subject to a maximum of Php 2.5M sum insured, payable on the 31st day from diagnosis of any covered dread diseases arising from complications of diabetes:

  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
  • Heart Surgery with Full Sternotomy
  • Heart Surgery with Partial Sternotomy
  • Heart Surgery, Thoracotomy
  • Heart Attack
  • Kidney Failure
  • Loss of Limbs
  • Profound Vision Loss
  • Stroke
Available for this product:

This rider is attachable to the Critical Illness Rider (CIR), that provides supplemental lump sum cash benefit by advancing 10% of CIR Sum Insured, if the insured is diagnosed with the occurrence of insulin treatment for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, subject to a maximum amount of 1M.

Available for this product:

This rider provides daily cash benefit of as much as P15,000 per day on a hospital confinement due to sickness or injury for a maximum of 150 days per policy year.

Available for the following products:

Payor's Benefits

This rider is suited for policy owners who bought policies with minors as insureds. An insurance policy to fund a child's education is a popular sample. This rider frees the policy owner from having to pay insurance premiums when accidents or health-related impairments occur. Choose this payor's rider to address your Health Protection and Savings needs.

This rider frees the policyowner from the obligation of paying all future premiums of the policy if he dies within the paying period. Benefits of the policy are kept intact and will be provided to the insured as scheduled.

Available for the following products:

The rider shall waive the payment of remaining total regular premiums on the policy including premiums of any benefit riders within specified number of years/until specified age from issue date of the rider if the payor becomes totally and permanently disabled prior to the expiry date of the rider.

Available for the following products:

Frees the policyowner from the obligation of paying all future premiums upon being totally and permanently disabled. This rider waives all premiums due during the continuance of the disability or until the expiration of the term of the Payor's Rider whichever is earlier.

Available for the following products:

Term Benefits

When your coverage needs are temporary or when you have decided to get a term insurance instead of a whole life insurance policy, you can boost your benefits with the rider below. Choose this term benefit rider to address your Protection and Savings needs.

The rider provides additional death benefit equivalent to the rider Sum Insured. It is automatically renewable and with convertibility option.

Available for this product:

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