Servicing Requirements
All submitted documents shall be verified and evaluated by our office personnel. Documents coming from abroad should be translated in English and apostilled/authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Philippine Consular Office located within the area where the documents originated or executed.
The Company reserves the right to require additional documents based on the evaluation of the application form and earlier submitted documents.
- Should a policy lapse, it may be reinstated if it is still within three (3) years from date of lapsation and before the policy's maturity date.
- Application for reinstatement should be submitted personally by the policy owner in any Insular Life Office.
- Application for reinstatement will be subject to evaluation before approval by the Company. Additional medical examinations and/ or supporting documents may be required depending on the result of the initial evaluation.
- Marriage Certificate
- Court Decision on Annulment/ Separation
- Court Decision stating new name
- Birth Certificate
- Affidavit of two (2) disinterested persons attesting to the correct name
- Duly accomplished Request for Policy Change Form; and
- Duly accomplished Request for Policy Change Form; and
- Duly accomplished Request for Policy Change Form; and
- Duly Accomplished Application for Reinstatement or Policy Change Form;
- Full Medical Examination with Micro-urinalysis done by any Insular Life's authorized medical examiner
- Hospitalization Rider
- Hospitalization Plus Rider
- Dread Disease Rider
- Acknowledgement of Variability
- Illustration of Benefits
- Sales Illustration
- Proposal
- Acknowledgement of Variability
- Illustration of Benefits
- Sales Illustration
- Proposal
It is important for the designated beneficiary to immediately notify the Company of the death of the insured through the submission of a Death Notice Form , to any of its offices nationwide via over-the-counter, postal mail, e-mail, or fax.
- Documents marked with (*) can either be a certified true copy issued by the Local Civil Registrar, with signature and seal, or printed in security paper issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), formerly known as the National Statistics Office (NSO).
- All documents issued or executed abroad should be translated in English and authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/ Consular Office or apostilled by a competent authority from the origin country.
- For all plans including I-Shield for claim due to natural cause –Attending Physician's Statement;
- For I-Shield plan for claim due to accidental cause –I-Shield Physician's Statement Form III;
- For GIO-issued policies, APS is no longer required
- Marriage Contract* of insured and spouse-beneficiary
- For Parent-guardian:
- Notarized Affidavit of Parental Authority Form be provided by Insular Life); and
- NSO copy of Birth Certificate* of minor, as proof of parenthood
- For Grandparent-guardian/Sibling-guardian:
- Notarized Affidavit of Substitute Parental Authority;
- Proof of relationship of minor and guardian, such as: Birth Certificates* of minor beneficiary & Sibling-guardian, or Marriage Certificate*/Birth Certificate* of Parents to determine grandparent-guardian;
- Proof of death or incapacity of both parents of minor, in the case of Grandparents as guardian, such as: Death Certificate*, Court Order or similar documents to show incapacity;
- Proof of death or incapacity of both parents and all grandparents of minor, in the case of Sibling as guardian, such as Death Certificate*, Court Order or similar documents to show incapacity; and
- Any documents to show grandparent/sibling is the guardian of minor and minor is under the actual custody of the guardian such as: School Records/Certification, Barangay Certification, Parish Certification, Doctor's Certification, Certification from Homeowners Association, or Affidavit of Two Disinterested persons and photocopies of ID of Affiants
- For Relative-guardian:
- Notarized Affidavit of Actual Custody Form (to be provided by Insular Life);
- Proof of death or incapacity of parents of minor, all grandparents and all siblings (of legal age), such as: Death Certificate*, Court Order or similar documents to show incapacity*; and
- Any of the following documents to show minor is in the actual custody of the relative-guardian: School Records/Certification, Barangay Certification, Certification from Homeowners Association, or Affidavit of Two Disinterested persons and photocopies of ID of Affiants
- For Parent-guardian:
- Petition for Approval of Guardian's Bond;
- Decision granting the Petition for Approval of Guardian's Bond;
- Guardian's Bond duly filed in court with copies of Official Receipt;
- Letters of Guardianship issued by the Court; and
- Oath of Office of the Guardian
- For Guardian other than the parent:
- Petition for Guardianship;
- Decision granting the Petition for Guardianship;
- Certificate of Finality of the Decision granting the Petition for Guardianship;
- Guardian's Bond duly filed in court with copies of Official Receipt;
- Letters of Guardianship issued by the Court; and
- Oath of Office of the Guardian
- For Individual Trustee:
- Trusteeship bond, together with Finality of Court Decision; and
- One (1) valid government issued ID with picture and signature of trustee
- For Corporate Trustee:
- SEC Registration, Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws;
- Board Resolution and/or Secretary's Certificate for the authorized officer of the company to receive the benefit in behalf of the Corporation; and
- One (1) valid government issued ID or company ID, with picture and signature of the Corporate Secretary and the authorized officer of the company
- Marriage Contract*;
- Birth Certificate*, and
- One (1) government-issued ID with picture and signature bearing maiden name
- Birth Certificate*;
- Baptismal Certificate; and
- Notarized Affidavit of Two Disinterested Persons stating relationship of beneficiary and insured, together with one (1) valid government issued ID with picture and signature of each affiant
- Neurological Evaluation Form from Attending Physician Forma Neurologist (to be provided by Insular Life);
- Birth Certificate*/Baptismal Certificate; and
- Notarized Affidavit of Two Disinterested Persons, supported by one (1) valid government-issued ID with picture and signature of each affiant
- Notarized Special Power of Attorney signed by the beneficiary (form to be provided by Insular Life); and
- One (1) valid government issued ID with picture and signature of the authorized representative
- Certified True Copy of the Police/Barangay/NBI (and other agencies) Investigation Report;
- Certified True Copy of the Autopsy Report;
- Certified True Copy/ies of Sworn Statement of witnesses;
- Certified True Copy of the Criminal Complaint or Information filed in court;
- Certified True Copy of Hospital Records (Admitting History and Discharge Summary or its equivalent), if death happened in the hospital;
- Newspaper Clippings;
- Driver's license of insured if accident occurred while insured was driving a vehicle
- Notarized Certificate of Indebtedness from Assignee, to validate existence and amount of Indebtedness with conformity of the beneficiaries; or Release Letter from Assignee if obligation has been fully settled; and
- One (1) valid government issued ID with picture and signature of Assignee
- Certificate of Indebtedness or Statement of Account (to validate existence and amount of indebtedness), or Release Letter from Assignee, if obligation has been fully settled;
- SEC Registration, Articles of Incorporation, By-laws, to establish the existence, identity and purpose of the corporation;
- Notarized Board Resolution and Secretary's Certificate: to authorize an officer to receive benefits and sign in behalf of the corporation;
- Latest General Information Sheet (GIS);
- Entity Information Update Form – this has to be accomplished and signed by an authorized Officer of the Company; and
- One (1) valid government issued ID with picture and signature of Corporate Secretary and authorized Officer
- SEC Registration, Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws to establish the existence, identity and purpose of the corporation;
- Board Resolution and Secretary's Certificate to authorize an officer of the Company to receive benefits and sign in behalf of the Corporation;
- Latest General Information Sheet (GIS);
- Entity Information Update Form – this has to be accomplished and signed by an authorized Officer of the Company; and
- One (1) valid government issued ID with picture and signature of Corporate Secretary and authorized Officer
- Embalmer's or Coroner's Certificate;
- Certificate of Cremation;
- Burial Permit, if remains was transported and buried in the Philippines;
- Airway Bill;
- Bureau of Quarantine Certificate;
- Marine Protest Report;
- Ship's passenger manifest;
- Pictures;
- Obituary;
- Affidavit from two (2) disinterested parties providing information on the death of insured; and
- Other documents as applicable
The Company reserves the right to require additional documents based on the evaluation of the application form and earlier submitted documents.
Below are the basic requirements for policy transactions such as amendments or claims for living benefits under the policy:
- If Policy Owner/Beneficiary/Assignee is a Corporation/Entity:1.1.General Information Sheet (GIS), currently dated;1.3.Board Resolution or Secretary’s Certificate, currently dated and duly notarized, showing the authorized representatives of the Corporation/entity who have been allowed by the Board to transact and sign on behalf of the Corporation, and indicating the list of policies and policy transactions;1.4.Latest/currently dated SEC registration reflecting the appointment of the corporate secretary;1.5.One (1) valid photo-bearing government-issued ID with signature of each of the authorized signatories and Corporate Secretary;
- If request/transaction is submitted by Third Party/Representative: (1) valid photo-bearing government-issued ID with signature of authorized representative
- If Policy owner/Beneficiary is minor:3.1.
The following order of preference shall be observed in the appointment of guardian for a minor, per Section 182 of the Revised Insurance Code:
3.1.1.Guardian, duly appointed by the court3.1.2.Father3.1.3.Mother3.1.4.Any Grandparent3.1.5.Eldest brother or sister, at least eighteen (18) years of age3.1.6.Any relative who has actual custody of the minor3.2.The following documents must be submitted by the designated guardian
3.2.1.If the policy benefit due to the minor owner is less than or equal to P500,000 Parent-Guardian:- Notarized Affidavit of Parental Authority;
- PSA/NSO copy of Birth Certificate of minor Grandparent-guardian/Sibling-guardian:- Notarized Affidavit of Substitute Parental Authority;
- Proof of relationship of minor and guardian, such as: PSA/NSO copy of Birth Certificates of Sibling-guardian or PSA/NSO copy of Marriage Certificate/Birth Certificate of both parents to determine grandparent-relationship;
- Proof of death or incapacity of both parents of minor, in the case of Grandparents as guardian, such as: PSA/NSO copy of Death Certificate and Court Order or similar documents to show incapacity;
- Proof of death or incapacity of both parents and all grandparents of minor, in the case of Sibling as guardian, such as: PSA/NSO copy of Death Certificate and Court Order or similar documents to show incapacity;
- Any documents to show that grandparent/sibling is the guardian of minor and minor is under the actual custody of the guardian, such as: School Records/Certification, Barangay Certification, Parish Certification, Doctor’s Certification, Certificate from Homeowners Association or Affidavit of Two Disinterested persons and photocopies of ID of Affiants For Relative-guardian:- Notarized Affidavit of Actual Custody;
- Proof of death or incapacity of parents of minor, all grandparent, and all siblings (of legal age) such as: PSA/NSO copy of Death Certificate and Court Order or similar documents to show incapacity;
- Any documents to show that relative is the guardian of the minor, and minor is under the actual custody of the guardian, such as: School Records/Certification, Barangay Certification, Parish Certification, Doctor’s Certification, Certification from Homeowners Association or Affidavit of Two Disinterested persons and photocopies of ID of Affiants
3.2.2.If the policy benefit due to the minor owner is more than P500,0003.2.2.1.For Parent-Guardian:- Letters of Guardianship issued by court to include the following:a.1.Petition for approval of Guardian's bonda.2.Decision granting the Petition for Approval of Guardian's Bonda.3.Guardian's Bond duly filed in court with copies of Official Receipta.4.Oath of Office of the Guardian Guardian other than the parent:- Letters of Guardianship issued by court to include the following:a.1.Petition for Guardianshipa.2.Decision granting the Petition Guardianshipa.3.Certificate of Finality of the Decision granting the Petition for Guardianshipa.4.Guardian’s Bond duly filed in court with copies of the Official Receipta.5.Oath of Office of Guardian
- Only if no documents on file, the following shall be required:4.1.One (1) valid photo-bearing government-issued ID with signature of the Policy Owner / Beneficiary / Assignee, preferably TIN, SSS, GSIS;4.2.Accomplished Supplementary Form - Regulatory;4.3.Accomplished Beneficiary Information Form;
Note: All documents issued or executed abroad should be translated in English and authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consular Office or apostilled by a competent authority from the origin country.
The Company reserves the right to require additional documents based on the evaluation of the application form and earlier submitted documents.
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