How to Protect Yourself Against the Second Surge in the Philippines
Protecting Yourself During COVID's Second Wave
COVID-19 cases have steadily been rising once again in the Philippines with March encountering an all-time high in the country, beating the number of cases we once had to face back in 2020. Reports of 5,000 cases a day are now the norm with an average of around 14% as the current positivity rate. On top of this, many hospitals in the Metro have now released notices that they can no longer take in any more patients.
This second wave of COVID-19 cases has been linked to the many mutations in the virus that have now made their way to the Philippines. Apart from the original COVID-19 virus that originated from Wuhan, China, there are now mutations from the UK, Brazil, South Africa, and even the Philippines which have been found to be more easily transmissible and more contagious.
This new wave is alarming, to say the least. Here are the best precautions to follow to avoid contracting COVID-19 during the second wave.
1. Get vaccinated
As they say, prevention is better than cure. This is definitely the case when it comes to the second wave of COVID-19 cases. With COVID-19 being a fairly new disease, we have only begun to scratch the surface of its effects. So far, we do know that it does have serious, life-threatening complications. How grave these are and how long these last we have yet to find out. Thankfully, scientists and researchers have been working ‘round the clock and have successfully developed a vaccine that can protect us from the virus. The concern many people have on their minds now regarding this is whether one vaccine is better than another. The short answer is no. The best vaccine is still the one in your arm. Some protection is still better than no protection at all. If you have access to the vaccine and can get it, then do so. This is your best chance to protect yourself from its deadly effects.
2. Wear a mask
If a vaccine isn’t accessible just yet, you should wear a mask at all times. Masks filter the particles in the air and capture the droplets, so we don’t inhale them. When you wear a mask, you don’t just protect yourself, you protect the people around you as well. Before putting on a mask, make sure your hands are thoroughly clean. Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. Change your mask daily, especially if it is a surgical mask. For cloth masks, wash them after every use. Make sure your mask is snug, so no air gets in through the sides, and keep it secure over your nose and under your chin.
3. Prepare an emergency fund
Nobody ever wants to think of the worse, especially during a time like this. But it’s always best to be prepared for every possible situation. Have an emergency fund ready with savings worth three to six months of your living expenses. If you can save more, better. During a time like a global pandemic, it’s not just getting sick you have to worry about – it’s job security, a global recession, rise in expenses. Having an emergency fund can help you weather the uncertainties you may face. An insurance plan like InLife’s Wealth Assure - Guaranteed Issue Offer is an insurance plan that helps you grow your savings while protecting you from any medical-related financial burdens. Through this, you can easily grow your savings while having easy access to it at any time.
The rise in new COVID-19 cases can definitely be a cause for anxiety, especially with the new variants. By following safety protocols and arming yourself with insurance, you can protect yourself from the uncertain times ahead.