Insurance For Small Groups
Students And Teachers Plan
Students And Teachers Plan provides life insurance benefits upon the individual’s demise. In addition, the plan offers accidental, hospitalization and disability coverage to your students. All these benefits are payable wherever and whenever the unfortunate event happens.
Minimum Number of Lives is 50
No limit for the Maximum Number of Lives
The number of teachers should not exceed the number of students insured.
Plan Features
Accidental death and disability benefits
Experience Refund - All companies under this group plan are pooled together. At the end of the year, if there is a surplus after claims and expenses under the pool, InLife may distribute a portion of such surplus to the companies.
For students’ injuries caused by accidents, the plan provides:
Hospitalization benefits such as room & board and professional fees
Surgical benefits
Special hospital services such as x-ray, laboratory tests, administered medicines, anesthesia and operating room expenses
Other Insurance For Small Groups
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