May 09, 2024

#IAmInLife #ILoveLikeNoOther


We celebrate Mother’s Day every second Sunday of May. But every day, we are witnesses to the many forms of a Mother’s love.   


InLifers share their motherly stories. These stories may come with different labels, but one thing is certain—they all carry the same immeasurable amount of love.

Strong Single Mom  

Monneth G. Apolinario from Real Property Division shared that the guilt for seemingly not providing enough for her kids is transformed into pride in being a single mom.    

Raising a child is expensive, from paying tuition fees to buying food and clothing. Doing it all alone makes the costs seem overwhelming at times. Worry and anxiety can intensify when you are solely responsible for looking after your child, paying the bills, and providing everything a child needs,” she said.  

Amidst the difficulties and challenges, Monneth takes fulfillment in seeing her children Nicole, Izellah, and Troy achieve their dreams.  

It is hard to be a single mom. But I love being one since this role has changed me to this strong woman and mother. I am so thankful to God that He gave me my children whom I value most,” she said. 

Accomplished Single Dad  

Jerome M. Abueg from Information Technology Division is not just a Dad but also a Mom to his son Sheen Joseph. He shared that single parenthood often results in financial strain. But the rewards are immeasurable: they have a strong father-son relationship that is built on love, trust, and mutual respect; personal joy and fulfillment; and a strong purpose in life. 

I find myself juggling work, household chores and childcare duties without the support of a partner. It can be challenging to attend school activities and meetings alone and provide emotional support to my son while dealing with my own emotions and the absence of a partner to share the load,” Jerome said, adding that he is thankful that his parents support them.   

InLife’s IT guy pointed out that taking the role of both mom and dad empowers him to learn new skills and overcome challenges, leading to personal development and growth. He added that being a single dad allows him to serve as a positive role model and source of support and wisdom for his son, and to create unique and special moments with his son. 

Fatherhood is also about leading by example, demonstrating values such as integrity, kindness, and perseverance through your actions. It's about being present in both the big moments and the everyday moments, sharing laughter, joy, and sometimes tears,” Jerome shared. 

Successfully managing the responsibilities of single parenthood can bring a great sense of pride and accomplishment as I witness my son overcome challenges, achieve his goals, and become the best version of himself,” he added.  

Empowered Breadwinner   

Lea R. Dela Cruz from Customer Experience Operations Group embraces the role of a breadwinner which she described as “very fulfilling and empowering.”


It gives me a sense of purpose and offers a chance to create a lasting, positive impact on the lives of my loved ones. Aside from attending to my family's financial needs, they seek my guidance and find strength in handling difficult situation,” she said.


Lea shared that the responsibilities can be overwhelming at times, but the positive impact she brings to her family makes the pressure and sacrifices all worth it.  

The sacrifices made by breadwinners are driven by the love for the family, putting other’s needs before our own, just like a mother’s unconditional and selfless love. Our happiness comes from knowing our loved ones are taken cared of. It’s the love that fuels our dedication, making every struggle worth it. And when we witness our family’s joy, it makes all the tough times feel like nothing – just complete happiness,” Lea said. 

Proud Fur Mom 

Bianca Marie B. Alvarez from Business Transformation Division is a Fur Mom to her daughter Chowder. 

I’m a proud fur mom and I’ve embraced this journey together with my husband. Chowder has been an incredible teacher. She has taught me to manage time for play and care, budget for veterinary needs, and practice patience. She has shown me that communication goes beyond words. Chowder has been my guide to a deeper understanding of love and compassion,” Bianca shared. 

She noted that Chowder serves as their enthusiastic morning alarm clock and bedtime companion.During those moments when life feels heavy, Chowder senses our pain, she cuddles closer. A gentle reminder that we’re not alone. As my husband and I look forward to the future, Chowder has already made our family whole and we are beyond grateful for the unconditional love she provides.”  

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