InLife bags 2 Anvil Awards 2023
InLife bags 2 Anvil Awards 2023

Insular Life’s (InLife) women empowerment program and Insular Foundation’s tutorial program received Silver Anvil Awards from the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP).
The InLife Sheroes Advocacy and Movement was recognized as a Public Relations Program on a Sustained Basis – Advocacy Communication, while the Tutor Kita Program was recognized as a Specialized Public Relations Program - Advocacy Campaign. Presented annually by PRSP, the Anvil Awards is the symbol of excellence in public relations for outstanding public relations programs and tools.
InLife Executive Chairperson Nina D. Aguas expressed appreciation to PRSP for recognizing InLife’s advocacy programs.
“InLife believes in empowering women to contribute to families and societies, and in turn take part in nation-building. In 2019, we took up the challenge and opportunity to empower Filipino women and established InLife Sheroes Advocacy and Movement. As we mark InLife Sheroes’ fourth anniversary, we are honored to receive this recognition from PRSP. This will further inspire us to reach out to more Filipino women,” Aguas said.
InLife Sheroes has engaged millions of Filipinos through its programs and events on financial literacy, health and wellness, women-specific solutions, and connections to business, social networks.
The Tutor Kita Program, meanwhile, involved 32 InLife employees who volunteered in the online tutorial sessions for the Foundation’s scholars from Bayanan Elementary School in Muntinlupa. The tutorial program focused on raising students’ proficiency levels in English and Math where the learning gap is widest. The program also continued to promote employee volunteerism despite the restrictions on face-to-face outreach activities.
“InLife and Insular Foundation support our public school education. Through our Adopt-A-Scholar program, Insular Foundation provides school uniform, shoes, bags, and school supplies, to students from our partner public elementary schools in Muntinlupa,” Aguas said.
“And through our volunteer programs such as the Tutor Kita Program, InLife employees helped our students cope with the shift to online learning. We are indeed blessed to have employees who embrace our programs to give back to the community,” she added.

InLife Executive Chairperson Nina Aguas (fourth from left) holds the Anvil Award for InLife Sheroes Advocacy and Movement, while Insular Foundation Executive Director Ana Soriano (fifth from left) holds the Anvil Award for Tutor Kita Program. Joining them are (from left): Insular Foundation Program Manager Tere Melad, InLife Sheroes Program Manager Joy Gonzales, Insular Health Care President and CEO Noemi Azura, and InLife Chief Marketing Officer Gae Martinez.