Insular Foundation conducts Financial Management, Mentoring Webinars for Scholars

June 30, 2023

Insular Foundation conducts Financial Management, Mentoring Webinars for Scholars


In today’s highly competitive work environment, having a college degree may not be enough to secure a job after graduation. Recognizing this need to prepare the graduating students for their entry to the work force, the Insular Foundation recently conducted a financial literacy webinar and mentoring session for its Gold Eagle scholars. 

Apart from providing financial support, the corporate social responsibility arm of Insular Life (InLife) also equips the scholars with the knowledge and skills to navigate life. The enrichment activities were attended by fourth year and graduating Gold Eagle scholars from the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman, Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT), Benguet State University (BSU), Bohol Island State University (BISU), Central Mindanao University (CMU), and Davao Oriental State University (DORSU).

“I am sure that all of you are looking forward to the day when you will go up on the stage and receive your hard-earned degree. The Insular Foundation shares your excitement. Every scholar who graduates is one more person in a better place to fulfill his or her dreams,” Insular Foundation Executive Director Ana Maria R. Soriano told the scholars.

“The Insular Foundation’s investment is not only for your education but also for your holistic development. As you prepare to step into the professional world, we want to ensure that you are ready: first for your interviews and then for the challenges and trials at work and in life later on,” she added.  

Learning the basics of personal finance

The financial literacy webinar conducted in partnership with the InLife Sheroes Advocacy and Movement focused on helping the scholars understand the basics of personal financial management.

Connie G. Castillo, Unit Manager of InLife’s General Agency MLR Financials, discussed ways to achieve financial independence, frugal and wise savings, budgeting for students, insurance and investments, and avoiding financial fraud and scams. 

“Define your goals. Limit your spending on non-essential needs. Always keep track of your daily expenses. Increase your income by working hard so you have money to save,” Castillo explained.

“Learn more to increase your knowledge. Be an expert in your career. Start your savings early. Start small and increase over time. Do not forget to honor God for your wealth,” she added.

BSU Gold Eagle scholar Jimberlee Pallay expressed gratitude to the Insular Foundation for conducting the webinar. “Thank you so much Insular Foundation for not just providing our allowance but also organizing such webinars that are beneficial to us as students. Thank you for helping us gain knowledge and life skills,” Pallay said.

Finding professional success

During the mentoring session, Gold Eagle alumni scholars Alyssa Benedict D. Mauricio, Edwin L. Del Rosario, Jerielle V. Malonzo, Jowella Marie R. Belleza, Karl Man S. Collado, Laarni Ann T. Ledesma, Leah Mei Charisse G. Manongas, Ma. Lea Reinyle S. Lumitao, Mark Janos P. Rongalerios, and Suelen A. Cabat shared their insights and experiences while studying, and offered advice on how to find professional success. 

The mentors discussed the importance of practical and professional skills in communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership in the workplace. They also emphasized the need for continuing personal and professional development through personal financial management, connecting with professional associations, and taking further professional development courses.

Ledesma who teaches at Colegio San Agustin in Bulacan said that the mentoring program was a good initiative from the Insular Foundation. “I’m grateful that I got to share my story with my fellow scholars. This is a great opportunity to give back to Insular Foundation for all their support during my college days and up until now that I’m working as a professional teacher,”she said.

DORSU Gold Eagle Scholar Krisha T. Liporada said the mentoring activity helps them prepare for their entry to the work force. “The suggestions and knowledge will surely help me and all the scholars in our careers. I am thankful to the Insular Foundation for this scholarship grant which contributes to my education, especially in the financial aspect. I will surely give back to the community, ” she said.

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