Peso Global Equity Fund
Enhance your portfolio by investing in high-quality international companies that have greater potential of generating income with InLife’s Peso Global Equity Fund. The Fund accumulates both income and capital to help you grow your wealth.
With the Peso Global Technology Fund, you get to enjoy:

Global investment opportunities by participating in the performance of the world's market leaders

The effective Target Fund management strategy that delivered 25.9% over 5 years1

The Feeder Fund's consistent and attractive yields currently at 24.56%2 since inception
Past and current performance are not an indication of future performance
Target Fund's Top Holdings

InLife’s Peso Global Equity Fund can be availed with the following VUL products:

Earning your first million to achieve your life goals can be faster and easier.

Build your own personalized life insurance plan that keeps you on track to reach your financial destination.
Talk to an InLife Financial Advisor
If you would like to speak with one of our financial advisors about the plan in greater detail, kindly fill out the information below.