April 30, 2018

Insular Life Executive Chairman joins World Bank Group Advisory Council

Insular Life Executive Chairman Ms. Nina D. Aguas recently joined the roster of World Bank Group’s Advisory Council on Gender and Development. 

Ms. Aguas accepted the invitation of WBG Chief Executive Officer Kristalina Georgieva to serve a two-year term in this minister-CEO level council, which is WBG’s main consultative body on gender equality. 

The World Bank’s  Advisory Council is composed of distinguished representatives of government ministries, academia, the private sector and non-profit institutions around the world and that they meet biannually to review the progress being made globally on gender equality.

“The outcome of the meetings informs the World Bank Group's work on gender equality and empowering women,” Georgieva said.

Ms. Aguas said she was honored for being invited to the council, adding that her extensive professional experience in the private sector as lady-executive, mostly in global banking and financial institutions will enable her to provide key insights into the group’s work. 

“This is also good timing because even at Insular Life, we have laid down the foundation for women empowerment through the appointment of key executive positions to very qualified women, starting with our president and CEO, down to other sensitive, senior posts in the organization,” Ms. Aguas said.

Insular Life is also set to launch a number of initiatives aimed at women empowerment owing to its recent partnership with the World Bank’s International Finance Corp. (IFC). 

The Inlife-IFC deal aims to uplift the status of women through products and services specific to their needs.

Starting this year also, Ms. Aguas said that Insular Life plans to roll out products specifically designed for women. This came about as the Company and the World Bank’s International Finance Corp. (IFC) recently formed a partnership to educate and offer risk-mitigating solutions for women in the Philippines in a program called “Empowering the Filipino Sheroes.” 

Insular Life has taken on this call from the IFC to be the first insurance company in Asia to partner with it on this program to insure women.

“We are very happy and privileged to join IFC in this cause to help women become self-reliant and financially independent,” Ms. Aguas said.

The advisory council members are drawn from the following areas:  senior government representatives from Bank client countries and shareholders; distinguished experts in areas and countries relevant to the WBG gender strategy; and civil society leaders in countries and fields relevant to the WBG gender strategy.  

Ms. Aguas is the only Filipino currently in the roster of council members. 

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